Time is an important resource that each company treasures and attempts to convert in a reward. When selecting document management application, be aware of a clutterless and user-friendly interface that empowers consumers. DocHub offers cutting-edge features to maximize your document administration and transforms your PDF editing into a matter of a single click. Insert Digital Signature into the Franchise Agreement with DocHub in order to save a lot of efforts and increase your efficiency.
Make PDF editing an simple and easy intuitive process that helps save you plenty of precious time. Effortlessly modify your files and deliver them for signing without having looking at third-party solutions. Focus on relevant duties and increase your document administration with DocHub right now.
This weeks tech tip is a neat little trick thats built into your Mac. Has someone ever e-mailed you a PDF that you need to sign and return? Well normally youd print out the PDF, physically sign the paper, scan it and email it back to the person that sent it originally. But thats a waste of time and a waste of paper. Instead using Preview which is a built-in image viewer on your Mac you can digitally add your signature to a PDF thats been emailed to you and send it back in no time. To set this up, open Preview by clicking on the spotlight icon in the top right corner of your screen and typing in preview. When you open Preview, nothing will actually open but youll notice across the menu bar on the top it will say Preview and list the number of menus related to Preview. From here click on Tools then Annotate then Signatures then Manage Signatures. Once the little Manage Signatures box pops up youll have two options to digitally add your signature to Preview. One is you can use