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welcome everybody this is Jerry Concha Gonzalez with sociology for all were here to talk about the sample governance agreement what that looks like when we think of an organization two questions immediately what is the aim or purpose you need to be really clear on that thats your invitation for everyone to join and participate in your organization the second question is how and by whom will decisions be made how are decisions how decisions will be made its like so think of decision-making itsits you know what are the rules of the game when I when I was a parent of sort of a young boy I watched how many hours he spent arguing with his friends about the rules of the games that they were inventing you need to know the rules of the game in order to play the game so theres the famous book Royals rules of games that tells you how to play cards and everything else and if you know how to play the game and you can actually play together otherwise you end up arguing then there is the famou