Time is a crucial resource that every business treasures and tries to turn in a advantage. When choosing document management software, be aware of a clutterless and user-friendly interface that empowers customers. DocHub provides cutting-edge features to improve your file administration and transforms your PDF file editing into a matter of a single click. Insert Comments into the Corporate Name Search with DocHub to save a ton of efforts and boost your productiveness.
Make PDF file editing an easy and intuitive operation that saves you plenty of valuable time. Quickly adjust your documents and send out them for signing without the need of looking at third-party options. Concentrate on pertinent duties and improve your file administration with DocHub today.
[Music] hello everyone how are you doing this is mdtech here of another quick tutorial today Im going to show you guys how to create a comment on Microsoft Word so if youre revising somebodys paper and you want to make sure that they easily can see where in the paper youre referring to if you have a comment or suggestion this tutorial will be for you so were going to jump right into it so the first thing you want to do is make sure you go underneath the insert tab at the top should be a third tab from the left side and then you want to go over to wherever you want to make your comment so you can highlight over something if you wanted to so lets highlight this sentence for example and then Im going to left-click on this comment button right here which should insert a comment so you can see that I highlighted this area and now it is highlighted in this comment color so at this point on the right side you can enter a comment you could say anything you want Im going to say not deta