Time is a crucial resource that each company treasures and tries to change into a benefit. When choosing document management application, pay attention to a clutterless and user-friendly interface that empowers users. DocHub delivers cutting-edge features to enhance your file managing and transforms your PDF file editing into a matter of a single click. Insert Checkbox Group into the Flatmate Agreement with DocHub in order to save a ton of time as well as boost your productivity.
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hello there welcome to another video by ra solutions in this video what im going to be doing is showing you how to add check boxes into your spreadsheet [Music] so the spreadsheet im going to be working on today is this attendance register lets say youve got an after-school club i know quite a few schools use mis systems now to to take the register lets say youve got an after-school session a homework club revision club and you want to keep us tracked up to see whether the students been attending im going to show you how to add check boxes to your register here so normally what teachers would do they will put a white or end there whether the student is present so ive created a spreadsheet here showing week one week two but you can add as many columns as you want but im going to replace these ys and ends with a checkbox instead which you check or uncheck depending on whether theyve been in your session or not so the first thing you need to do in excel is ensure at the top in