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these put to show folks to thatthat just loves being lay this is one of the reason Iamp;#39;ve demonstrated the the sixty degrees or the six point star is it because it is the most versatile Oh which is you know if I did this for the 45 degree angle here instead of 60 going to have eight but you wouldnamp;#39;t be able to do this this would be a square oh yeah so you can continue out in this direction this direction get rid of this and make these three different colors thatamp;#39;s the Toni book and you can make the hexagons and surround it with hexagons and you build up plates platters just anything you know anything you want to turn lazy susans coasters yes to boxes whatever whatever you want and this pattern is really versatile this boy is what you can do with it right and so just the only thing thatamp;#39;s critical it these two sides need to be parallel and these two sides need to be parallel and the closer they are the more generations unemployed as you come around this dis