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how to add data points to an existing graph in Excel graphs are great ways to visualize data and Excel has many tools to help in creating different kinds of charts and various formatting options for them so in this example I have a chart that has mapped profit against here and I have a line graph and now I have additional data which is the bonus so here we can see that there are numbers only for 2002 and 2008 and there are no numbers in between but I can still add these as data points to this chart so to do that I select the chart go to chart design and say select data now I want to add bonus as another series I already have the year on the horizontal axis and profit on the vertical axis I am going to add one more value which is bonus for that I click add for the series name I select bonus for the series values I delete what is given here and select the range and say okay so now that that is set I can say okay and I can see that the two data points for the bonus have appeared on the ch