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hello my name is richard ali and i am a part of the ryan white data support team today i will go over how to access edit and update contracts in the gcms for the rsr by the end of the video recipients will be able to successfully update contracts within the gcms for the rsr provider report in the ehbs the gcms is accessed through the hersa ehbs which is available at the link on this slide this link will bring you to the ehbs login page where you will need to enter your username and password to access the system logging in will bring you to the ehbs home page you will need to hover over the grants tab at the top of the page to bring up the drop down menu on the drop down menu under submissions select work on performance report on the next page which is the submissions all page locate your most recent rsr deliverable under submission name and select edit once youre in the rsr recipient report inbox select search contracts under manage contracts you are now in the gcms or grantee contra