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in solidity theres a function called self-destruct where when you call it you can delete the contract from the blockchain also when you call self-destruct other than deleting the contract youll also be able to send ether to any address even if that address is a contract then it doesnt have a fallback function so to show you this im going to first show you how to use self disjunct ill name the contract tail and the function to execute self-destruct ill call it autokill this function will be external and well call self-destruct now self-destruct takes in a single input an address to force all of the ether that is stored in this contract too for example for inside here if we say message dot sender and lets also say that there is one ether locked in this contract then when we call the function kill it will execute self-destruct this would delete this contract from the blockchain and since we said that this contract stores one ether its gonna send that one ether to message.sender