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okay so so this is another video station and here we are going to discuss about the valley contract and as a PSD so the one video we discussed about the quantity contract so quantity contract that this is agreement a specific quantity or specific number of materials is going to be delivered to the customer and there is no restriction on the price but in contrast to that in in value contract so this is agreement so which is made to send or to deliver material or provide service up to a certain value limit with within the contract - Valetta period so there is no restriction so in a valley contract there is no restriction on the quantity for the restriction is on the price so so in the system we can directly go to VA for t1 transition to create such a contract so now so we want to create value contract here so the system the standard SAV system provides two types of ready contract one is w1 and w2 where and now this one so this is value contract general and wk2 essentially is my trail tr