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in this unit of our InDesign cs6 course were going to work with a variation of the check boxes that we practice within the last unit that are known as radio buttons unlike check boxes which simply allow you on or off yes or no either or choices radio buttons allow you to create and select from multiple choices that you get to specify the specific values for now we can create a group of radio buttons from scratch but we actually have a series of these that are actually pre-built that we can pull down and ill show you how those work in just a minute let me begin here by just zooming in on the first area where were going to set those radio buttons the spot that says shipped by and weve got options for UPS for united Parcel Service the US Postal Service and for fedex were going to create a set of radio buttons that will allow us to build on these choices Im going to get my selection tool and Im going to click on this sample buttons informs panel that Ive got loaded into my interac