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[Music] as we get close to the end of the first grading period it makes sense to plan a little bit for how students can see old content a lot of teachers are finding that they want to be able to hide the older content from first nine weeks so the students dont go back and try to work on old assignments theres a way you can do that as you are working on your assignments in the first place so for example this is an assignment that ive gotten ready im going to go into edit mode so you can see it as if i had been working on it so lets say i just created this assignment im going to scroll down and we need to talk about this part about the assigned to box so um the top is who you assign it to thats typically going to be everyone or your a cohort in your b cohort and then the due date most of you are familiar with but we also have the available from available until and what a lot of teachers are starting to find is that this is a very important box so for example its due on september