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[Music] hello this is greg from sharepoint maven and in todays video i would like to show you how you can hide fields in a sharepoint list or sharepoint document library based on conditional formula let me explain to you what im talking about so here i have a document library with a few documents and i have two metadata columns a status column and an expiration date the status column has active inactive and then expiration date thats just a date field now uh at the moment when users fill in the metadata uh when they uh choose the uh status for example right whether the effective or inactive uh expression date always appears as a piece of metadata what i would like to do is the following i do not want this expiration date column to appear unless the status is active so if i mark the document as active then expiration date column will uh pop up you know prompted me to fill out the date uh expiration date if i mark it inactive expiration date should disappear obviously it does appear a