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i go to get my record expunged iamp;#39;m also attorney james worth and thatamp;#39;s the question weamp;#39;re presented to with today where do i go and typically we talk about expungement thereamp;#39;s multiple types if youamp;#39;re talking about a deferred sentence expungement then normally hopefully when you get that deferred sentence entered it gives you a sentencing date you complete everything youamp;#39;re supposed to complete you show up to court on that sentencing date then itamp;#39;s expunged at that time so where do you go you go to the same court same courtroom where you were sentenced at the beginning of that term of probation now if youamp;#39;ve got a section 18 expungement then itamp;#39;s a little bit different and if you do a deferred sentence expungement but they didnamp;#39;t give you a court date to come back then youamp;#39;ll want to request that that be set for a court date same courtroom same place but you may have to request to get that order se