Editing DOTX is fast and straightforward using DocHub. Skip installing software to your computer and make adjustments using our drag and drop document editor in a few easy steps. DocHub is more than just a PDF editor. Users praise it for its ease of use and robust capabilities that you can use on desktop and mobile devices. You can annotate documents, create fillable forms, use eSignatures, and deliver records for completion to other people. All of this, put together with a competitive cost, makes DocHub the ideal decision to erase guide in DOTX files with ease.
Make your next tasks even easier by turning your documents into reusable web templates. Don't worry about the safety of your data, as we securely store them in the DocHub cloud.
You can easily clear the formatting for selected text. For instance, if you are working on a document and have applied various formatting styles to the content in your document, and none are working for you, or you want to start over, or you have copied and pasted some content from the internet and want to clear the formatting for the entire text, follow these steps: 1. Select the text for which you want to clear the formatting. 2. Click the amp;quot;Stylesamp;quot; dialog box button under the amp;quot;Stylesamp;quot; section. Alternatively, you can press the amp;quot;Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Samp;quot; keys to open the Styles pane. 3. In the Styles pane, click the amp;quot;Clear Allamp;quot; option at the top of the list, and the style of the selected text will revert to normal. 4. You can also clear the formatting by selecting the text and then clicking the amp;quot;Clear All Formattingamp;quot; button from the amp;quot;Fontamp;quot; section of the