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a lot of contractors ask me how do i find jobs you know how do i get more customers and i tell them that you dont really find jobs unless youre like working for the government or working on big commercial projects where people put out a listing and then you submit a bid along with 50 other companies thats the only case i can think of that youre going to find customers normally for the average contractor the remodeler electrician plumber water well driller these kind of people get found by customers when theyre looking for them right and in the old days before the internet this was all done by word of mouth so joe schmoe would want a remodel and hed ask his neighbor or his friend or his family member hey do you know any good contractor and then they would either get one of two answers theyd get sure i know a great contractor contract this guy or they would get the horror story of oh yeah i worked with a contractor last year and he burned my house down and fled with my wife or you