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- [Announcer] Support for Digging Deeper comes from the PennState Alumni Association. Connecting alumni to the university and to each other. The Alumni Association is powered by pride. Learn more at and from viewers like you. Thank you. (enthusiastic violin music) - Hi, Im Maddie Biertempfel. Commercials and advertisements for colleges and universities are a common sight. Theyre a regular presence on social media and part of any collegiate athletic broadcast. But how do universities engage in branding and what does their branding say about their identity? On this episode of Digging Deeper, Penn State President, Eric Barron, talks to Lawrence Lokman, Vice President for Strategic Communications at Penn State and Lee Ahern, Associate Professor of Advertising and Public Relations. - Thank you so much for joining me. Interesting topic, branding. So, what is branding in higher education mean? - I guess I would, heard a very good definition once from a firm called Stim-ats, w