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next question I guess lets make this the last question I see is sort of partially typed one in there if that one gets corrected and Ill answer that too but we can wrap up shortly so last question what is it consumed one more popped in all right okay so well just do these last two what is a compelling communication strategy to overcome existing perceptions of what I should cost and get conceptual buy-in not only from my client contact but also their VP and CEO before providing a proposal I want them to accept my higher rates and not feel like they need to consider another consultant yeah I mean thats you have the Y conversation you you raise every possible objection you can about why they wouldnt do something cheaper like if youre worried about them if youre worried about competing on price you need to surface all of those objections in the phone call you cannot address those in your proposal it will not work so you need to get all of that stuff on the table in the in the phone