No matter how complex and difficult to modify your files are, DocHub delivers a simple way to modify them. You can change any element in your xml without effort. Whether you need to tweak a single element or the entire form, you can rely on our robust solution for quick and quality outcomes.
In addition, it makes sure that the output document is always ready to use so that you can get on with your tasks without any delays. Our all-purpose group of features also features sophisticated productivity tools and a catalog of templates, allowing you to make the most of your workflows without the need of wasting time on repetitive operations. On top of that, you can gain access to your documents from any device and incorporate DocHub with other apps.
DocHub can take care of any of your form management operations. With an abundance of features, you can generate and export documents however you choose. Everything you export to DocHub’s editor will be stored securely for as long as you need, with rigid security and data safety protocols in place.
Experiment with DocHub today and make managing your paperwork easier!
if you have a data set that has a column for folks first name and a column for their last name and you want to put it together in the same cell with just their first name initial a dot a space and then their last name you can do that using the concatenate and the left function iamp;#39;m going to show you how to do that right now so the first thing we do is write equals concatenate because weamp;#39;re going to bring in the contents from two separate cells and bring it into one and thatamp;#39;s what concatenate means in excel language and then this first bit of text that we want to bring in is just the first initial the first name so we do that by using left and weamp;#39;re looking the text that weamp;#39;re using is the first name text and we only want the first letter so we put 1 in there meanwhile if we were to put 2 it would return j i it would produce the first two letters starting from the left but we only want the first one so we put one now to put the dot in the space we