Editing EPUB is fast and simple using DocHub. Skip installing software to your PC and make adjustments using our drag and drop document editor in just a few fast steps. DocHub is more than just a PDF editor. Users praise it for its convenience and powerful capabilities that you can use on desktop and mobile devices. You can annotate documents, make fillable forms, use eSignatures, and deliver records for completion to other people. All of this, combined with a competitive cost, makes DocHub the ideal option to conceal data in EPUB files with ease.
Make your next tasks even easier by turning your documents into reusable templates. Don't worry about the security of your data, as we securely store them in the DocHub cloud.
downloading your canvas course content in the form of an Epub file an Epub is an electronic book format that can be viewed in a variety of free epub readers available on just about any computer platform or on smartphones and tablets the Epub is a convenient way to view your content in your canvas course without having to be logged into Canvas OR indeed having access to canvas at all once you have downloaded the content of your course in order to download an Epub from your course youamp;#39;re going to have to go to your settings Link in your course menu and then go to the feature options tab and find the Epub exporting option and turn that on by clicking this button here and selecting enabled once you do that this course can now be downloaded as an Epub to do that you will need to go to your account menu which you will access from the global access menu here on the left hand side of any canvas page and select your settings menu under uh the email addresses area here the settings you h