Dealing with documents on a daily basis means that your toolset is always at hand regardless of the action you have to carry out. It is crucial to find a comprehensive resource that allows you to do any operation, like compress .DOCX to 25mb online, without any extra time or effort put in. By this description, the solution that shines is DocHub. This is a platform for creating, editing, revising, and collaborating on papers online. A user’s account gives you access to all of the essential editing functions, and its intelligible interface streamlines your way around its functions and features. Simply upload your file to compress Microsoft Word to 25mb online and follow the interface tips. All it takes to start working with DocHub is a quick registration.
Dealing with DocHub tools will make your document flow easy and efficient. Apply it in your daily editing tasks or collaborate on files with your team. Discover more tools for more efficient documentation with DocHub.
whats up guys and welcome back to my channel my name is ali and todays video im going to be talking about how to compress or file document and have it like 10 or 20 times smaller size so that you can be able to send it via email or social media or whatever you want to send it to ive actually got a request from my friend who wanted me to do a video tutorial about that so i thought it would be a great idea for me to share it with you as well so uh without any further ado its just gonna be a quick tutorial lets just get right into it alright guys so here i am on my computer and i have this file right here and as you can see before compressing i named that file as you can see the size is 71 megabytes so if you click right click on it go into properties you will see that the size is 71.6 megabytes right here if you want to send that over an email or social media its just going to be hard then you might not even be able to send it or submit your work say if you are you want to work um