Dealing with documents on a regular basis means that your toolset is always at hand regardless of the action you have to carry out. It is vital to find a comprehensive tool that allows you to do any operation, like compress .DOCX file under 100kb, with no extra time or effort put in. By this description, the solution that shines is DocHub. This is a platform for creating, editing, revising, and collaborating on documents online. A user’s profile gives you access to all the essential editing features, and its intelligible user interface streamlines your way around its functions and features. Simply add your file to compress Microsoft Word file under 100kb and follow the interface tips. All it takes to get started on working with DocHub is a fast registration.
Dealing with DocHub instruments will make your document flow easy and efficient. Use it in your daily editing tasks or work together on documents with your team. Discover more instruments for more efficient documentation with DocHub.
This video demonstrates how to compress a Microsoft Word document to reduce its file size for faster loading times, easier sharing, and optimizing storage space on your device. The Word file shown is around 11.1 MB with text and images. To make the file smaller, select a picture, go to the Picture Format tab, and click on the Compress Pictures icon. Uncheck "apply only to this picture" and check "delete cropped areas of these pictures." Choose Default Resolution and click OK. Save pictures at lower resolutions by going to File, More, Options, then Advance.