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Our last video showed you when to use commas, but its also important to know when not to use them. The simplest answer is, you probably dont need any commas outside of the situations weve already described. Theyre unnecessary, and throwing them into a sentence might cause readers to stumble, like throwing a branch into the trail where nobodys expecting it. Lets look closer at some places that dont need commas. As we discussed in the last video, you use commas to separate items in a list, but there are a few situations when we leave them out. The first is when we use conjunctions in their place: rock and tree and potato. No commas needed. The ands do their work. The second is when we list items vertically, or in bullet points: rock tree potato No commas needed. The page breaks do their work. And the last is when leave out the Oxford comma, which is the final serial comma, the one after tree in rock, tree and potato. Well discuss why in the next video. There are also situatio