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if love were food some of us grew up on little more than a little bite of bread and a bowl of old soup each day and if a kid were starved nutritionally like that youd see it for what it is its abuse it would stunt their growth they might not be able to run or climb or learn they might get sick or lose their hair it would show and people outside the family notice this kind of thing and they care and they do something so when you were starved for love and attention as a kid did something similar happen to you emotionally psychologically neurologically because thats whats going on neglect causes changes that cause illness and learning problems and connection problems with other people and what i want to talk about today is how neglect can cause real devastating problems detecting who is safe and who is dangerous who has your best interests at heart and who is using you and i want to talk about the price that you might be paying if thats happening for you and youre not yet healing f