Editing image is fast and simple using DocHub. Skip downloading software to your laptop or computer and make adjustments using our drag and drop document editor in just a few easy steps. DocHub is more than just a PDF editor. Users praise it for its convenience and robust capabilities that you can use on desktop and mobile devices. You can annotate documents, create fillable forms, use eSignatures, and deliver documents for completion to other people. All of this, combined with a competitive cost, makes DocHub the perfect option to blot guide in image files effortlessly.
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hello everyone today in this video i will try to explain how we can do best android analysis with using msg program firstly we open the image by dragging to the program or by selecting file open option then we should select type click on image type and select 8 bit to start analysis to remove background of the master blood we do some adjustments with brightness and contrast options select image edges and brand brightness and contrast or with another way right click on image select list commands and right here this is the second way to open it then we do some adjustments like this after finishing it press the apply button if the image is good you can select reset after that select rectangle option and select bands which will be analyzed here acting protein is the control group then click on analyze gels and select first lane press yes button because our image is horizontal if you want you can rotate the image for this right click on image again these commands and right here rotate selec