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Taste, or gustation, is a special sense that helps us evaluate what we eat or drink. Basically, certain food molecules dissolved in the saliva activate taste receptor cells in the mouth; these chemical stimuli are then converted into electrical signals and sent via several nerves to the brain, where they are interpreted as tastes. Taste receptor cells are organized in groups called taste buds, which are present most abundantly on the tongue, but also on other parts of the mouth. On the tongue, taste buds are located on small visible bumps called papillae. There are different types of papillae on different parts of the tongue, but the taste buds that they contain are all similar in structure. Each taste bud is composed of about 50 taste cells, with microvilli at the top projecting into a pit called the taste pore. This is where taste molecules bind to their receptors. Taste cells synapse with sensory nerve fibers at the base of taste buds. There are 5 main t