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hi welcome to the channel if this is your first time kindly hit the subscribe button down below to stay updated with my uploads in this video iamp;#39;ll show you how to deposit and withdraw on pidox mobile exchange products is a bsp regulated exchange that lets you trade bitcoin ethereum and other crypto directly using php alright let me open the app hereamp;#39;s how pidox mobile app looks like below youamp;#39;ll see navigation tabs like home trade wallet and account to deposit and withdraw crypto you tap on wallet here you see php wallet bitcoin wallet usdt bch xrp and ltc wallets in order for you to add fund go to php wallet and click on cash in in this page you have three options to add fund you can use online banking like bdo china bank east west bank via instapay or bank transfer you can also see the transaction fee underneath you can also add fund via e-wallets supports coins.ph gcash or paymaya below youamp;#39;ll see transaction fee and how long you get the fund for coin