Many people find the process to rework question in csv quite daunting, particularly if they don't regularly work with paperwork. Nonetheless, nowadays, you no longer need to suffer through long tutorials or spend hours waiting for the editing software to install. DocHub allows you to change documents on their web browser without setting up new programs. What's more, our feature-rich service offers a complete set of tools for comprehensive document management, unlike numerous other online solutions. That’s right. You no longer have to export and import your templates so often - you can do it all in one go!
Whatever type of paperwork you need to alter, the process is easy. Take advantage of our professional online solution with DocHub!
In the previous video, we introduced you to importing questions from GIFT files. Apart from GIFT files, CSV files are also useful when you need to add multiple questions into your project. Now, lets see how to import questions from CSV files through this video. This video will cover 3 parts: What is a CSV file?, create a CSV file and import questions from a CSV file. CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values. Similar to GIFT files, CSV files are text files that allow you to compose various question types. To create a CSV file, you can use Microsoft Excel or Notepad. Here, I will use Microsoft Excel to compose my questions. Create a table including question type, points, question title and answer option columns. Make sure that you keep them in the right order like this. When composing questions, please follow the syntax of CSV format correctly. Type TF if you want to add True False questions. Add an asterisk at the beginning of an answer option to denote a correct answer. For Multiple Choi