Have you had problems sending your document because it's too large? If your answer is yes, then you’re in the right place. Our platform allows you to easily reduce Photo size macOS without the need to affect the content or delete the pages from the document. Additionally, our solution includes all the essential features for working with files and is less expensive than similar ones. You’ll never end up spending a fortune on features you don’t need.
Using our solution, you can avoid all the troubles of working with documents. Not only is it easy to use, but it also provides excellent tools including the ability to reduce Photo size macOS. You can modify, certify, annotate, and keep your files protected and in order. Try our solution today!
hi in this video were going to resize a photo on the mac without installing any software were just using the mac previewer today im using the big sur version of mac os operating system and if you checked out my last video on how to do this in windows 10 i use this exact same photo so were gonna do pretty much the same thing but on the mac i found the best way to start this processor is in the finder right click on the file name and choose duplicate [Music] now open the version of our file with the file name ending in copy and choose tools then adjust size its a little bit more technical than windows but we have basically the same options we can do custom or we can do a smaller version a medium and a large so im going to choose this mid-range 1024 here and i would have shot this photo on my camera phone which is a pixel 5 or pixel 2 xl you can see the file size is docHubly smaller 289 kilobytes as opposed to our original 2.7 megabytes click ok now dont worry about the size o