When your everyday work consists of a lot of document editing, you already know that every file format requires its own approach and often particular applications. Handling a seemingly simple docbook file can often grind the entire process to a halt, especially when you are trying to edit with insufficient tools. To prevent such troubles, get an editor that can cover your requirements regardless of the file extension and join secret in docbook without roadblocks.
With DocHub, you are going to work with an editing multitool for virtually any situation or file type. Minimize the time you used to devote to navigating your old software’s features and learn from our intuitive interface while you do the work. DocHub is a efficient online editing platform that handles all your file processing requirements for virtually any file, including docbook. Open it and go straight to productivity; no previous training or reading guides is needed to enjoy the benefits DocHub brings to papers management processing. Start by taking a few moments to register your account now.
See upgrades in your papers processing right after you open your DocHub profile. Save time on editing with our one platform that can help you become more productive with any document format with which you need to work.
The purpose of this video demonstration is to show you some of the useful features that you will find in oXygen XML when editing DocBook documents in Author mode. Lets start by creating a new DocBook article from one of oXygens predefined file templates. I can enter the word DocBook in the text field at the top of this dialog box and it will filter the templates. Im going to select the DocBook 5 Article template and Ill save it as DocBookSample.xml. By default, the document is opened in the Author visual editing mode and it has some information already populated, based upon that particular template. I dont need some of these pre-populated elements, so I want to delete them. There are several ways to do this and it gives me an opportunity to start showing you some of oXygenss most helpful features. So, to delete some of these elements I dont want I can simply use the mouse to select them and use Backspace or Delete on the keyboard. Notice that oXygens automatic validati