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peace and love peace and love peace and love everybody um if this is your first time seeing me or youre um new to my channel just wanted to make a formal introduction my name is Tamara T Bush and I am a four-time best-selling author um who is passionate about teaching Families how to defend themselves against fraud um unfair and deceptive business practices properly assert themselves as federally protected consumers acquire assets and leverage their credit um so the purpose of this channel is to provide Clarity during a Time Of Confusion by sharing my experiences and my level of understanding so as I learn and discover more I share more um so please know and understand that since Im not an attorney no videos on this channel constitutes legal advice um I want you all to definitely see why a c y a that means cover yourself and cover your family when you are trying to execute any information you have received um from this channel so I did a poll I submit I did a poll in the YouTube Comm