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hey everyone welcome back to my channel today were going to be going over how to create a phone number field in salesforce so our use case here is that on our lead object we need to have a work phone so you see we have phone number and thats not very clear but we want to have another phone number field that shows um what not like which one is a work phone or have a different field that is a work phone so lets go ahead and jump into setup were going to click this little gear icon in the top right and either go set up or to edit object im going to click edit object takes you a little bit faster and it might take a little bit all right and from the object manager for the lead object were going to go to fields and relationships going to click new then were going to go and find the phone one you need to scroll up or scroll down and then click next field label is going to be work phone and you can add a description for the people on the back end and then help