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hello welcome to Todd Miller TV the subject today is what to do if the seller wont release your earnest money deposit so give me example you go under contract buy a house and one of the first things you do is you write a check for earnest money usually a couple grand or maybe one percent of the purchase price some amount nominal amount and the idea of it is to - so the seller knows youre serious and that you have some skin in the game that way you cant tie the house up under contract for a month and walk away and you know just you know he didnt have the chance to market to somebody else so you have the earnest money it gets deposited in escrow or depending on your state in an attorneys office whatever but theyre a third party so what happens is lets say you get down to the end of the transaction and maybe you change your mind or maybe you cant get a loan or maybe you dont like the inspections who knows what the deal is and then you say hey I want out of the deal can you back m