Editing image is fast and straightforward using DocHub. Skip downloading software to your laptop or computer and make alterations using our drag and drop document editor in a few easy steps. DocHub is more than just a PDF editor. Users praise it for its ease of use and powerful capabilities that you can use on desktop and mobile devices. You can annotate documents, make fillable forms, use eSignatures, and email documents for completion to other people. All of this, put together with a competing cost, makes DocHub the ideal option to erase point in image files with ease.
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hi there this is amish from fix imperfect and today iamp;#39;m going to share with you how to remove objects placed on complex perspectives in photoshop take a look at this photo we cannot just simply use the clone stamp tool right here so if you go ahead and create a brand new layer use the clone stamp tool take a sample from right here all right even if we try to match these lines if we take it to the top see the lines are not matching up there why because they are following a perspective weamp;#39;re gonna have to use some special tools some special features in photoshop to be able to fix that and thatamp;#39;s what weamp;#39;re gonna learn today so without any further ado letamp;#39;s get started before we begin this video is sponsored by wacom tablets and you already know iamp;#39;ve been using one for years and years since i was a baby just kidding if you are on your journey of mastering photoshop a graphic tablet is one of the best investments you can make because