When your daily work includes a lot of document editing, you realize that every document format requires its own approach and sometimes particular software. Handling a seemingly simple tex file can sometimes grind the whole process to a stop, especially if you are trying to edit with insufficient software. To avoid this sort of problems, find an editor that will cover your requirements regardless of the file extension and embed URL in tex with no roadblocks.
With DocHub, you are going to work with an editing multitool for any situation or document type. Minimize the time you used to devote to navigating your old software’s functionality and learn from our intuitive interface design while you do the work. DocHub is a streamlined online editing platform that handles all your document processing requirements for virtually any file, including tex. Open it and go straight to efficiency; no prior training or reading instructions is required to reap the benefits DocHub brings to papers management processing. Start by taking a few moments to create your account now.
See upgrades in your papers processing just after you open your DocHub account. Save time on editing with our one solution that will help you be more efficient with any file format with which you have to work.
okay I want to show everybody how you can put active links in your lay tech first of all you have to use this package use package hyper reference hyper ref and then down here lets suppose I want to put a link to a video so I have this this part right here where I say find the angle between these two vectors and I want to reference a video so what I what I did once I use that package up there I use this command back slash URL and then in inside these brackets I put the link now let me show you how that looks when you compile this let me make it big here when you compile it you get this right here and notice when I click on it it will take you directly to the video so this is the video where I showed them how to find the angle between two vectors yeah there it goes so anyway thats just something cool I wanted to share with everybody