Whether you are already used to working with ps or handling this format for the first time, editing it should not feel like a challenge. Different formats may require specific applications to open and edit them effectively. Yet, if you have to swiftly embed URL in ps as a part of your typical process, it is advisable to find a document multitool that allows for all types of such operations without the need of additional effort.
Try DocHub for efficient editing of ps and other document formats. Our platform offers effortless papers processing no matter how much or little prior experience you have. With all tools you have to work in any format, you will not need to switch between editing windows when working with every one of your documents. Easily create, edit, annotate and share your documents to save time on minor editing tasks. You will just need to register a new DocHub account, and you can begin your work instantly.
See an improvement in document processing efficiency with DocHub’s simple feature set. Edit any document easily and quickly, regardless of its format. Enjoy all the benefits that come from our platform’s efficiency and convenience.
hello YouTube it is that so Brandon here with another youtube video in this video tutorial Im going to show you how to add a link to a JPEG image in Photoshop so essentially if you wanted to create a webpage just using photos and links you could do so so go ahead and open up Photoshop Im using Photoshop cs6 Im not using the cs6 CC I dont agree with the whole Creative Cloud thing and then were going to go to file new or ctrl + or command + on mac go ahead you can name it whatever you want Im just gonna say test you dont even have to name that Im going to use 1280 by 720 pixels Im going to use resolution about 500 pixels of an inch color mode RGB 8-bit and Im going to go ahead and click OK now that Ive clicked okay itll open up this file and we can go ahead and make a little image so I will be right back after doing that all right so after making a template what I have here is a basic JPEG image thats going to act as a background as well as the HTML code of the website so I