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and chrissy i see another text up there go ahead and read that for us if you would sure so its how to remove someone from the deed to the property so i know thats a bit generic but well the bottom line is is that if you if there are two or more people on a deed to a piece of property the easiest way to do it is that by having their cooperation so if a and b own the property together and b is agreeable b would simply sign a deed where he removes his name from the property and puts the whole thing into as name we dont really know if theres a dispute here but uh you know could you force b to sign over his interest in the property generally the answer is no but with cooperation it can certainly be done the cost of preparing a deed is not that much but remember that in these deeds there may be doc stamps due you may have to pay the state of florida documentary stamp tax for the transfer from one to another even if theres no monies changing hands that doc stamp is based on what the out