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endemic is over we still have a problem with covet weamp;#39;re still doing a lot of work on it uh itamp;#39;s but the pandemic is over if you notice no oneamp;#39;s wearing masks everybody seems to be in pretty good shape he was wearing a mask in public outside two weeks ago the problem is the damage is already done from the virus as well as from the governmentamp;#39;s Draconian overreaction and coveted measures and there are still a lot of unanswered questions like where did covid originate and who got rich off the vaccines last week Kentucky Republican senator Rand Paul confronted Dr fauci about the latter watch weamp;#39;ve been asking you and you refuse to answer whether anybody on the vaccine committees gets royalties from the pharmaceutical companies I asked you last time and what was your response we donamp;#39;t have to tell you but I tell you this when we get in charge weamp;#39;re going to change the rules and you will have to divulge where you get your royalties fro