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hello guys my name is matthew and in todays video we are going to create a document of corporate resolution i also uh walk you through it so first thing we have to click on the link underneath this video which will take us exactly on the legaltemplates.net the site that we really uh have to use to create this uh legal form once we are out there lets go on the top corner of our screen and click on business forms its not really clicking just hover your mouse over it and then view all business forms you see that legal templates are providing us with tons of options so at this point its best for us to use a search engine and write down corporate resolution or at least corporate we see bylaws minutes and resolution and uh were gonna click on the resolution obviously so first we can preview the pdf of how its going to look and then create a document right now we have to go with company informations and on the left side you see the progress bar at the moment we are filling up up to 25 s