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hello and welcome to our channel again this is another video 11 plus Matt this is what arranging a very popular question in eleven plus we have they asked you to arrange few numbers in order okay the numbers can be mixed they can be all over all different types first of all before that we move on we couldnt be working on these true keywords ascending order and descending order okay guys if you know what this ascending and descending go trace I would like you to write down in your book and we will compare the answer with me in a second right ascending is ascend as in going up so this is smallest to the biggest and descending you can compare this with going down B for down deeper descending this is the largest or the biggest to the smallest okay so once you know this then youre ready to do the questions which tell you they give you certain set of numbers they ask you to put them in order and there is ascending or descending okay so we start with questionable one here how okay then the