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okay so today I want to talk about how you can do custom sorts of data based on dates so I want to do a very quick review of of how custom sorts work and then get into different ways that we can sort the dates so arrays in JavaScript have the built in sort method just like weve got here so if I run this sort what its going to do is its going to take the thing thats being passed in in this case the people array and if I look at the result of this this is the exact same order that it was before I ran this sort method and thats because the built in sort method is going to pick two of these elements and try and determine okay which order should they come in but in order to do a comparison it has to convert them into strings so you take an object you turn into a string you end up with something like this and every single one of these things will be this so itll see them all as equal and therefore nothing changes okay so thats the built-in sort but we can create our own custom sorts